'TUESDAY- Arms, Planks & HIIC | GET RIPPED Male & Female FITNESS MODEL Program by Guru Mann'

'TUESDAY- Arms, Planks & HIIC | GET RIPPED Male & Female FITNESS MODEL Program by Guru Mann'
14:32 May 6, 2021
'Gulshan Kumar presents GET RIPPED FITNESS MODEL 6 weeks MALE & FEMALE Workout Program design and created by GURU MANN. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORKOUT PLAN FOR MEN & WOMEN http://bit.ly/28KysYV ---------------------------------------- NUTRITION PLAN FOR MEN & WOMEN http://bit.ly/28KyFeS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  For all updates : ★ SUBSCRIBE Us on NEW You Tube Channel: www.youtube.com/GuruMannFitness  ★ SUBSCRIBE Us on You Tube : http://bit.ly/1eBikoz  ★ LIKE us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tserieshealthandfitness ★ Follow us on Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/tserieshealth  Check out http://www.gurumann.com for more information.' 

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